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London Square, advised by Montagu Evans, has been given the go ahead by LB Wandsworth for the final residential phase of the outline planning permission at Springfield University Hospital.

This phase will deliver 253 new homes in a range of sizes and tenures (including 43% affordable) set within hard and soft landscaping.

London Square Earlsfield, as it will now be known, has been designed by Assael Architecture for London Square, with high-quality new homes using brick and other materials designed to complement the Grade II listed Springfield Hospital building and the new public park, with a series of park-facing detached and semi-detached houses and apartments. New public squares, courtyard gardens and new streets will provide a green and attractive setting.

The wider Springfield Hospital outline planning permission will deliver a new state-of-the-art mental healthcare facility, with over 800 new homes in total (262 within the Grade II listed Main Building) and the creation of a 33 ha publicly-accessible park.

Adam Lawrence, Chief Executive, London Square, said: “The Springfield Village masterplan is transforming the Springfield University Hospital site. We are delighted to receive approval to build new homes of exceptional quality, responding to a range of housing needs, from affordable, supported living to private for-sale homes to first-time buyers and families. We look forward to continuing to work with the London Borough of Wandsworth and South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust on the delivery of this final stage in the evolution of Springfield Village.”

Anna Russell-Smith

, Partner at Montagu Evans, said: “This reserved matters decision unlocks the delivery of the final phase of new homes approved under the outline planning permission. It represents an important milestone for the redevelopment programme overall, as well as continuing to provide both private and affordable housing within the area.

“The high-quality design approved by the LB Wandsworth carefully considers the site’s context, including the setting of the Grade II listed building, historic park and garden, as well as its location, in part, within the MOL.”

Montagu Evans has advised on planning throughout this process as advisors to both the Trust and London Square; its Historic Environments and Townscape team supported the site’s heritage elements.


healthcare, housing, planning, insight